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How to Relieve Constipation in Child Naturally

How to Relieve Constipation in Child Naturally

Constipation in kids is quite common and many a times very uncomfortable experience, therefore becomes paramount to handle the issue with care. Understanding the underlying causes, signs and practicing effective management strategies can ensure your child has a healthy digestive system and fewer episodes with constipation.

What is Constipation?

Constipation can be defined as having infrequent bowel movements or difficulty passing stools with just 2 to 3 stools per week in kids. The stools are dry, hard and painful to pass making it a very stressful and frustrating experience for both the kids and the parents and affecting the child's overall well being.

Constipation in Kids Symptoms

  • Stools that are difficult to pass and very painful

  • Hard round pebble like stools that are very firm

  • Two or less stools per week

  • Fissures or rectal tear

  • Blood in stool

  • Stomach pain and bloating after meals

  • Fear of using the toilet

  • Decrease in appetite

How to Relieve Constipation in Child Naturally

There are plenty of foods and techniques you can try to relieve constipation in kids naturally. Here are some such home remedies you can try for kids constipation quick relief.

Foods Rich in Fiber

Give your child plenty of fiber rich foods like leafy greens, fruits and vegetables. The fiber in foods absorbs water, increases bulk of stools, makes them soft and easy to pass. On the contrary avoid giving high sugar, processed foods that are difficult to digest and make things worse.

Natural Laxatives

A lot of foods like papaya, apple, prunes, avacados, brocolli, pears, bananas, to name a few are excellent as natural laxatives. Sorbitol present in many fruits absords water and hence soften stools.

Drinking Plenty of Water

This is a no brainer, water is essential for all bodily functions and paramount even in this case to ensure normal bowl movement. Keep your child properly hydrated as recommended for their age.

Abdominal Massages

Massage the child's abdomen in a clockwise fashion around the belly. Massage helps to relieve the gas and move the stools out.

Physical Activity or Exercise

Physical activity and movement in general helps with digestion and overall gut health. If your child is very young and not mobile yet, you could try the bicycle exercise which works great. For older kids, get them to move around and do light exercises.

Reduce Dairy Intake

Reduce the amount of dairy in diet as many kids cannot digest diary products in large quantities. While milk, cheese, butter are great sources of calcium and protein you may want to limit the quantity.

When to See a Doctor?

If your child shows any of the below symptoms or is in extreme distress, take your child to the doctor immediately.

  • Severe abdominal pain and discomfort

  • Swelling in the abdomin

  • Fever and / or Vomiting due to Constipation

  • Constant Blood in stools

  • Home Remedies don't help your child

  • Unable to pass stools due to excess pain

  • Loss of apetite or refusal to eat

  • Weight loss

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