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Healthy Parenting Tips For Raising Happy Kids

Healthy Parenting Tips For Raising Happy Kids

Raising happy, healthy and well-rounded kids can be quite daunting, especially when you are at it 24/7 and 365 days for the rest of your life. It doesn't have to be though, with a few small changes,  a little bit of conscious effort you can experience the power of positive parenting too and create immense positive impact on your child's life.

Let's look at our positive parenting tips and changes that go a long way:

Bridge the Gap:

Talk to your child often, listen to them and make sure you don't sound judgemental whatever the situation. Be there to guide them and assure them that for anything they can come to you, it takes time for the trust to build and to believe that you are approachable under any situation, work towards it.

When you want something to be done a certain way or for them not to behave a certain way, explain to them why and set limits, don't assume they would do it right away be patient and express how you feel rather than arguing and showing disappointment.

Eventually kids will learn to trust you and less likely to be scared and lie. Communication is the key for a healthy relationship with your kids and one of the best parenting advice for new parents.

Related: Parenting Styles and Why They Matter

Appreciate the Little Things:

When you see your child doing something beautiful, could be as simple as sharing his things, giving you a helping hand, cleaning up after themselves, or for just smiling at you for no reason appreciate the little things.

Make it a point to praise them for things they do right, a mental note to do it daily. These small gestures not just make them feel good but help build a positive image about themselves, boosts their confidence and self worth. After all everybody likes a little appreciation, why would the mini us be any different.

Positive Reinforcement:

If appreciating the small things build self worth, making sure we use the right words and positive reinforcement boosts their image of themselves and bolsters their self esteem.

For example, don't use negative phrases or comparisons like 'what an idiot you are', 'why would you do something so stupid' or 'you are worse than the other kids your age', shut up and act responsible', it brings their morale down instead try positive phrases like, "It's okay, try to do better next time" or "You can do so much better, I believe in your potential".

We often don't realise that young kids are as sensitive, they absorb and believe what we say. It plays a role in shaping their character, so help bring out the best in them, assure them that they are doing it right and you are proud of them so they take pride in themselves.

Related: Kid Friendly Dog Breeds

Stay Realistic and Reasonable:

Children do stupid things, we all did. They are young, naive and still exploring, it would be unreasonable to expect them to behave like adults. Don't set expectations that you know cannot be met by a child.

They need lot of hand holding, patience and time to learn right from wrong.  While it is important to teach them the right behaviour and discipline, ensure you use the right practices like telling them of the consequences the way they would understand and sticking through with it when they fail to listen.

For example no Tv time or no treats and other privileges when they faulter, you get the drill. They need to realise that they have done something wrong and it needs to be corrected.

Be realistic and reasonable, don't expect them to change overnight or be harsh if they don't do it right the first few times, consistency and patience is the key.

Time is of the Essence:

Children grow up fast and are soon out the door to take on life and do what they are meant to do. How often do we listen to this and still do we actually act on it?

Give your child undivided attention whenever you can and whatever little you can. When you are with them be with them, don't chat with others, or make a call, send messages or check emails. Make it a habit to spend some dedicated time with your child where you listen to them, talk to them and teach them things. Be there for them during the formative years, time goes by fast.

They will need you lesser and lesser as they grow bigger, cherish these moments and help shape them in to beautiful human beings. By the time they get in to teens it gets tricker and more difficult to spend time with them as they don't want to look up to parents as much as they do peers. One of the healthy parenting tips for adolescent kids is to accept these changes in the dynamics and cherish the time you have with them where they constantly need you and rely on you. It will be win win for both.

Lead by Example:

Those big eyes full of excitement and eagerness are always watching you. From a baby to teen they are observing you, learning from you and emulating you. Put on your best of behaviour, teach them by showing them how you act, talk and do things.

Thank people when they do things for you, appreciate others, treat everyone the way you want to be treated. Teach your children to trust, speak up, make friends, do kind gestures. Lead by example, that's the best way to teach.

The Ugly Stuff:

Children can sense our moods, fears and state of mind and there are studies now to prove that they do. Try to leave your stress, frustrations, anger and disappointments out of your time with your child, its tough but a healthy practice for your child's development.

Don't misplace your anger or emotions, young children often look up to their parents and want to be around them, give them good memories, time and lots of love.

Whatever the issues at work or with your partner, or just random things never argue or fight when your child is watching, don't let them see the ugly stuff. Some times it becomes unavoidable but don't make it a daily thing, the effort will be well worth it.

Don't let Disappointments Shadow your Love:

Our love for our children is not on terms, its unconditional and rightly so. We love our children no matter what not when they are the versions we want them to be. We all go through phases when our child just wont cooperate or listen, when they test our patience or do things we don't approve of  but that's all part of parenting right.

Whatever the situation don't forget your love for them, let them know you are there come what may, they can come to you for anything even when they mess up or have done something you don't approve of. They should always feel comfortable to come to you, share things with you.

Let's be honest we all make mistakes, they will too, accept them, teach them but at the end of it don't let your disappointments or emotions shadow your love for them, they should know you love them irrespective and would stand by them always.

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