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101 Regency Era Names - Boys and Girls

101 Regency Era Names - Boys and Girls

Find the names that stood the test of time, timeless classics that are reminiscent of a golden regency era with beautiful flowy gowns, exaggerated hair dos, grandeur ball rooms, extravagant high teas, whimsical scandalous romances, all this and so much more. 

Regency era lasted nine years from 1811 to 1820 and is a subset of the Georgian era that lasted from 1714 to 1837. Price George ruled over as a regent prince (temporary prince) while his father George III was ill and hence the name Regency era. 

If your are like me who can't get enough of it and long for a piece of royalty and drama for yourself. Strap your boots while I take you on a ride to discover some of the popular names from british regency era that are sure to win your heart.

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Regency Era Names Girl

  1. Abigail

  2. Agnes

  3. Alice

  4. Amelia

  5. Ann

  6. Augusta

  7. Barbara

  8. Bridget

  9. Caroline

  10. Catherine

  11. Cecilia

  12. Charlotte

  13. Dina

  14. Dorothy

  15. Eliza

  16. Elizabeth

  17. Ellen

  18. Emma

  19. Esther

  20. Georgiana

  21. Grace

  22. Hannah

  23. Helen

  24. Henvietta

  25. Hester

  26. Isabella

  27. Jane

  28. Janet

  29. Jemima

  30. Joan

  31. Judith

  32. Kezia

  33. Kitty

  34. Leah

  35. Louisa

  36. Lydia

  37. Margaret

  38. Maria

  39. Martha

  40. Mary

  41. Matilda

  42. Nancy

  43. Naomi

  44. Phoebe

  45. Priscilla

  46. Rachel

  47. Rosina

  48. Sarah

  49. Susannah

  50. Tabitha

  51. Ursula

Regency Era Names Boy

  1. Abraham

  2. Alexander

  3. Andrew

  4. Anthony

  5. Arther

  6. Barney

  7. Benjamin

  8. Caleb

  9. Charles

  10. Christopher

  11. Colin

  12. Daniel

  13. David

  14. Edmund

  15. Edward

  16. Evan

  17. Francis

  18. Fredrick

  19. George

  20. Harry

  21. Henry

  22. Hugh

  23. Isaac

  24. James

  25. Jeremiah

  26. John

  27. Johnathan

  28. Joseph

  29. Lawrence

  30. Lewis

  31. Luke

  32. Martin

  33. Mathew

  34. Michael

  35. Nathaniel

  36. Oliver

  37. Owen

  38. Patrick

  39. Peter

  40. Philip

  41. Ralph

  42. Richard

  43. Robert

  44. Samuel

  45. Simon

  46. Stephen

  47. Thomas

  48. Timothy

  49. Walter

  50. William

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