5 Months Old Baby Development & Milestones
Rolling, Moving, Giggling, Smiling the list is actually endless when you get to the 5 month mark. This month has some very exciting and crucial milestones in your babies growth and development. Your baby might be getting into a more predictable sleep and wake pattern and will also get more communicative about likes and dislikes.
This month in many baby's case might be the time to introduce solids when they begin to shows signs that they are ready. They will sleep longer at nights, eat at more or less regular set intervals and naps each day. Let us look at the baby development milestones this month.
5th Month Milestones
Your baby is taking note of their surroundings, listening to the sounds around them and trying to learn everything they see and listen. It is a good idea to talk and read more often to your baby as they are laying the foundation for language skills in the future. They are like a sponge now soaking in everything you have to offer but remember to keep it fun and not to overstimulate and tire them out.
Social and Emotional
The are picking up new skills and are getting more communicative in ways more than you realise. They may start to lift their arms to tell you they want to be picked up, may cry when you leave them alone, smile hearining your voice and giggle when you do something funny.
They also make a connection that you will react to their wants when they cry or show displeasure and may start to cry to grab your attention. Something called as "Cause and Effect", the effect it has on you when your baby does something like crying, throwing a toy where you pick it up again and again. They may giggle at the sound of the toy hitting the floor and looking at you for reaction.
Rolling Over
Many babies may start to roll from front to back and back to front this month. As their hand, neck and core muscles keep getting stronger you will eventually see them move around the room using rolling. It's time to think of baby proofing the house if not already done.
If your baby is not doing it already, it should any day now so be on a look out for this exciting milestone.
Sitting Up
Your baby may start to sit up in your lap with support or on propped up pillows for a while everyday. Stay close by to prevent accidental fall as they still cant hold themselves up and this will need stronger core muscles for keep propping them up to help build the stregnth. Babies also love the change in view and the independence to look around while sitting compared to lying down.
Objects Grasp and Movement
Your baby would start to grasp at dangling objects and should be able to pick up large blocks and toys easy to hold. They may also shake the toys, drop them from height or bang them on tables and giggle in excitement. The love to see their hands in action, touch fingers together and try to grab things with both hands.
They understand playtime now and look forward to spending time with you doing something fun and interesting. You can dangle things infront of them and help them practice their sense of grasping and strengthen their muscles. They may enjoy peek-a-boo and music or rhymes.
Feeding Routine
Your baby is growing and so is their stomach and appetite. Most breastfed babies can go longer in between feeds, up to 5 hours and sleep better through the night with very few or no interruptions.
Formula fed babies can drink up to 6-8 ounces or around 180ml to 240ml and go 5 hours between feeds. Feed the baby on demand or if they seem hungry. While the above is a reference each baby and their needs are different so look for baby cues and act accordingly.They burp on their own and spit ups reduce making it easier to feed
Many babies begin to show interest in solid foods, they may drool show more and more interest in what you eat, try to open their mouths when food is offered, have good head control and can sit up in high chair and also are able to push the food to back of the throat and swallow rather than spitting it up. If you see any of these signs it could be a good idea to try solid foods, talk to your pediatriacian to know more on how and when to start.
Your doctor would have recommended you to use Vit D drops, don't stop them until your doctor says so. In most cases it is not until your baby is 1 year old.
Related: How to Successfully Breastfeed Your Baby
Popular Breastfeeding Positions
Sleep Routine
Sleep gets more in to a pattern with around 9 to 10 hours of sleep at night and 2-3 naps a day adding up to 12-15hours each day. Ensure to put them to sleep at same time each day following a similar sleep routine (after a warm bath, reading a book or a stroll, etc.) so them understand its time to sleep.
Many babies may even sleep through the night almost 8hours with no or any interupptions, even if they do get up a feed will put them right back into sleep giving you a good nights rest and your normal sleep back.
Height & Weight
The average weight for five months old baby girl is around 6.8kg and height of 25 inches.
The average weight of five months old boy is around 7.5kg and height of about 26inches.
On an average babies grow 2 pounds or around 1kg in weight and about an inch in height each month until 6 months of age. Every child is unique and so is their growth rate so don't be alarmed if they are not close to these numbers as some babies may be above the average numbers and some take longer based on how much they feed, how often they feed, if they had a low birth weight or were premature or had any illnesses. Know that it is normal to fluctuate a little from the normal at this age, talk to your doctor about your concerns.
Colic & Fussiness
Your baby's colic phase should have ended or begining to come to an end so thats a huge relief for parents who went through this. They also get into a more predictable sleep, eat, poop and play cycle making it easier to read their cues and understand their wants, meaning less fussier and more playful.
It is time to baby proof the house as the baby starts to roll, they may use that as a way to move around the house and they may not be in the same place as you left them so baby proofing becomes imperative.
They tend to take everything to their mouth so ensure small itens, toyus or anything they can choke on are not accessible. It is also time you bring down the crib's matteress height to prevent any falls and also would be ideal when the baby begins to pull themselves up.
Avoid using bassinets & cradles once the baby begins to roll as there is a danger of rolling over. Avoid Swaddling, blankets, bumpers, toys anything that the baby can grab, get stuck on or roll into as it could be dangerous when baby is left unattended.
Related:3 Month old Baby Development & Milestones
4 Month old Baby Development & Milestones
6 Month Development & Milestones
5th Month Doctor's Visit
There may not be a scheduled doctor's visit at 5 month mark but if your child is unwell or you have any concerns that you may want to bring up to your pediatrician's notice, schedule an appointment to get your baby checked. Also be sure to stay on top of your baby's vaccines, if any missed now would be thr right time to check with your doctor.