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Swaddling: How, Why and When

Swaddling: How, Why and When

Swaddling is an age old practice where you snugly but comfortably wrap your baby almost like a burrito using a soft cloth or blanket to make them feel like they are in their mom's belly all warm, safe and secure. Swaddling is known to calm the baby and help them fall asleep as it mimics the feeling they experienced in the womb few months before birth all cramped and snug without much room for movement. 

Learn everything about baby swaddling benefits, why, how and when to swaddle right here in simple easy steps that are sure to give you the confidence to try it yourself and give your baby that warm comfy feeling again.

Why Swaddle Your Baby

It is a lot to take in for a newborn, from all the changes they go through during the first few days to weeks, new environment, sleep cycles, feeds it is but natural for many babies to feel out of place. Your baby is well fed, rested, diaper is clean, temperature is perfect but you still find her restless and irritated, swaddling might be the answer. It makes your baby feel safe like a mom's hug, helps with the startle reflex, ensures your baby sleeps better and longer. It is also a great idea to wrap them during those initial weeks when you are getting a hang of holding them as this helps give you better grip and baby is naturally more relaxed and secure in a wrap.

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Keep in mind that your baby may initially resist swaddling as they may not like the arms wrapped up but in a day or two they will start enjoying and sleeping better. It is best to start swaddling as soon as the baby arrives home so both of you get used to this routine.

How to Swaddle Your Baby - Step by Step Instructions

Let go of any inhibitions as it is safe if practiced properly, time tested and also not very complicated. Many new mom's assume it to be complex and dread trying it, in reality it needs slight practice, is simple and soon you will master the art of swaddling.

Step 1: Take a square shaped cloth or fold the cloth to a roughly square and lay in a diamond shape. Fold the top corner in towards the center, like in the picture.

Step 2: Lay your baby with the neck right above the folded end. Don't let the cloth touch your baby's face as you don't want to set off rooting reflex (turning towards the breast for milk).

Step 3: Gently pull down your baby's right arm to their side and take the right end of the cloth over your baby's right shoulder

Step 4: Now snuggly tuck the right end below the baby's body towards the right. Ensure he has room for subtle wriggles.

Step 5: Fold in the bottom end of the cloth and again it should be snug and comfortable for your baby and not too tight.

Step 6: Fold in the left end over the shoulder and tuck it below your baby towards the right side.

Remember to leave enough room for your baby's hips and subtle movements so your baby can comfortably sleep longer. Avoid swaddling if baby is awake and active.

Related: Ways to Calm a Crying Baby

When to Stop Swaddling Your Baby

Swaddling has been an ancient practice that is time tested and proven to be beneficial for babies to sleep better. However it does raise a concern of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and hence it is very important to follow these sleep safety tips fr safe swaddling practice and also absolutely avoid swaddling the minute your baby starts to roll sideways or over.

  • Don't place any loose blankets, pillows, bumpers or plush items in the baby's crib or sleep area. However tempting or cute it may seem, it is dangerous for your baby so strictly avoid.

  • Always lay your baby on their back on a comfortable but firm surface without any other objects around.

  • The swaddle should be snug so it wont unravel but also comfortable and breathable. Avoid tugging tightly as you don't want the baby's arms and legs to be restrictive and compressed. It could couse hip issues if done frequently over time.

  • Keep the weather and surroundings in mind during swaddling. You don't want your baby to overheat or sweat to a point of dehydration. Ensure the room temperature is regulated and use your breathable thin muslin cloth or likes of it if the weather is slight warmer and in general avoid using very thick heavy blankets.

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Weaning off the swaddle should be gradual with slowly leaving one arm out, then the other and the legs over the next few naps. Listen to your instincts and if swaddling is something your baby absolutely resists even after trying it for days, it is okay to let it go. Every baby is different and choose what suits you and your bubba the best.

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