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How to Burp Your Baby Like a Pro

How to Burp Your Baby Like a Pro

Burping is an important aspect of feeding especially in newborns and babies below 4-6 months of age. As their diet includes only breast or formula milk they take in air during each feed as they suckle, more so if bottle fed and sometimes the ingredients in the mothers diet could make them gassy. The trapped air can cause discomfort and a feeling of fullness, its always a good idea to burp after each feed and in between feeds if the baby looks troubled.

As the babies grow, the need to burp them reduces more and more and once they are over 5 to 6 months of age they usually start to burp on their own, but until then its a very important aspect of feeding and a necessary skill for you to develop to help your baby. Let us look at some of the best baby burping positions and newborn burping tips to burp your baby like a pro

Over the shoulder

Hold the baby close to your chest with one hand and head resting over you shoulder. Pat the baby's back by slightly cupping the other hand in a rhythmic movement until he burps.

Across the lap

While sitting upright lay the baby on tummy across your lap making sure the head is slightly higher than rest of the body. Pat the back by cupping your hand or gently but firmly rub the back to burp

Over the arm

Lay the baby across your forearm face down with head slightly higher than rest of the body. Keep patting the back in a rhythmic fashion to burp

Leaning forward

Sit your baby on your lap and support the neck with your thumb and index finger while using the other three fingers to support the chest. Lean the baby slightly forward, with the other hand pat the back

Gentle Massages

Lay the baby on their back and gently massage the tummy in circular motions and try moving the baby's legs in bike riding like motion, back and forth. This should help baby pass the gas.

Related: Ways to Calm a Crying Baby

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Things to keep in mind while burping

  • It's is common for babies to spit up in small quantities, usually is no cause for concern. Talk to your doctor if worried.

  • Use a burp cloth while burping to avoid having spit ups all over you

  • Some babies need to be burped more than the others, every baby is different.

  • If breastfed, make sure the babies have a good latch to limit the air intake and if bottle fed make sure the nipple size and flow rate is the right one for your baby.

  • If baby looks uneasy during feed, burp them in between feeds.

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